Sunday, March 17, 2013

Too much stuff!

One of the goals we have for this move, is to leave for YWAM without baggage.  We came to Homewood with a 17`truck of all our STUFF!  Where did it all come from?  I started going through our home in December, and weeding our the unused junk from the closets and cupboards.  As time goes on, we`re getting down to the stuff that we use more frequently, and having to make decisions about what of our household possessions are actually "priceless".

I`ve been finding it interesting to see the items that I struggle to part with.  Ugly Mexico vase... I don`t even like it, but I struggled because of the memory of when we`d bought it!  I hid it from myself in a box of clothes and gave it away without another thought.  My Star Wars book collection... oh, man, the emotions of getting rid of those!  Gotta have my Obi-Wan Kenobi!  Of course, the hardest items have been the baby stuff, thankfully it`s all been given to close friends so I know it`s going to good use.  I condensed Zane`s baby clothes down to one box, plus a box of his newborn cloth diapers... which I can`t even look at without crying... so clearly I`m not ready to part with them.  Other hard items that were difficult to decide about have been books we were saving for when Zane was older, but we`ve condensed them to a nice stack of Dave and I`s absolute favorites.  Pippi Longstocking is in that stack, of course.  

We bought six large blue Rubbermade tubs, and our plan is to keep only what fits in those tubs.  Ambitious, even for us... since to date, this will be our third time to "get rid of everything"... but, heck, everybody`s gotta have a hobby.  

Our hallway, lined with boxes of sorted items:  stuff to be sold, given away, and some to be put in the totes and stored.   

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