Thursday, August 28, 2014

The life of my three year old MK.

    My little boy will be 4 years old in less than six months.  He has lived on the mission field for almost his whole life, first as a Missionary Kid (MK) on Quadra island where daddy was the cook, and now here in Guatemala where daddy is still the cooks, but does lots of other ministries as well.  Sometimes I wonder what it will be like for my little guy when he looks back at his life... 
Z and friends watching the movie during the kids club (while their moms are learning to read). 

Riding his bike to the base from our house.  

Eating a pancake breakfast with daddy and our friend Oscar.  

Z and dad watering the garden in the backyard.  Z loves to help care for the yard. 

Z and mommy at the beach.  Z is a little scared of the big waves, but he loves to dig holes and make castles.  He likes to swim in pools better than in the ocean, and he can swim all by himself (wearing water wings).  

Z helps daddy pick vegetables from our garden to eat with lunch.  

Z loves fruits and veggies.  This is a picture of a week's worth of produce from the market.  ( value: $7, approx.).  

 Z likes to babysit our friend's puppy, Kia.  

 Z and Oscar 

    Z has started forming sentences in Spanish.  We don't know any children who speak English, so he is learning Spanish by playing with other kids.  We have to stay on top of our Spanish slang though as his friends have taught him some bad words, and we have to know these words so we can teach him not to say them. Hahaha!  

     We don't have a washing machine or a bath tub, so we use a big purple tub to soak laundry or to give Z his baths.   He likes to help squish clothes into the bucket when I am having a big laundry day, and sometimes gets into the bucket with the clothes to stomp the dirt out of the laundry with his feet!   Z is a great helper.   

   There aren't a lot of playgrounds where we live, so sometimes when I want to bring Z somewhere fun we go into Antigua and go to McDonalds so he can play in the play place.  They have great coffee, so I can sit and enjoy a drink while he plays.  It's a nice treat for both of us.  Z also loves riding his bike, playing in the sand pile in the backyard, reading books, and watching movies.   

      Ahhhhhh, the life of an MK. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The little Christian school, take 2

We have started up the school again and have received another three students.  One of the ladies has two younger sisters who will be enroling this week, bringing us up to five students.   I had hoped for six, so we are pretty close.   These ladies have more kids than our last students, so the kids clip is a hopping place!  Four boys, plus Zane, all with very energetic temperaments... But thankfully they will do anything for a sticker, so peace is kept with a steady diet of Lightening McQueen stickers.  The ladies are learning very quickly, and we have been able to go trough the material quite quickly.   Two of the ladies are older ( they are the moms of the kids), and they are so excited to have the chance to learn for the first time.  The other girl is 16 and she has been given special permission to attend our school from her boss, as part of her job training!  
   We have a new girl on staff at the base, named Ashley, and she has been helping at the class with us.  She and I take turns teaching the Bible study, and being in the kids class.  With so many kids, Dave needs help with the kids class, so it's great to have another person dedicated teaching the class with us.   It's been a lot of fun with this group so far, and we are excited to see what God has in store for each woman in our class!... And for all these little boys!  
I got to practice my drawing this morning, making up the letter practice sheets for the class.  

Attendance apples!   They each put a sticker on their apple when they come to class. 

Zane and his buddies. 

Zane practicing his letters in the same way our students do it.  They make "snakes" with crepe paper and then glue it over the shape of the letter to development the necessary dexterity in their fingers to be able to start writing.  

We are just a little excited to become a homeschooling family!  

Both the boys in school.  We still have Spanish classes once in a while, although we are mostly done.  

Also, on an unrelated note, Zane is officially potty trained... We threw a guys only ( except mommy) Poop Party. Hahahahahahahaha.... All the DTS guys came over and we had pancakes and made Zane feel like a very important and accomplished!  He loved it!   He's a big boy now!   

Please pray for us as we are planning to start up a more intense Bible study for our graduated students and other community ladies, and are currently deciding when to have it.  I have a tendency to get stressed if I take too much on, so we are taking our time in planning and prepping for this next venture, but we are excited to have another opportunity to share the gospel in a more in-depth way.  We already have one of our graduated students signed up to attend once it's started.... 

God is working so powerfully and we are thrilled to be a part of this work here in Guatemala.  Please continue to pray for our family, that the Spirit would come upon us in greater measure that more people would hear about Christ and be impacted by His love.   We live for Him, and what an abundant life it is!!!   

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Other Brother.

   Sometimes I find myself swinging back and forth between feelings of earth-shaking joy and crushing discouragement.  There are moments when the distance between me and my loved ones at home, including my nephew who I have yet to meet, make me wonder if this is all worth it... But then I take a step back and see how God has brought us here, and everything He is doing in and through us here... And suddenly my doubts fade away and all I can feel is... Anointed. Called out.  Incredibly Loved.  

   You probably know the story of the Prodigal Son.  The prodigal returns from squandering the father's money and the father rejoices over him with a big party.  His brother is all mad because he thinks it's unfair that his father is lavishing his love on the prodigal while he, the faithful and forgotten brother, has been there working all that time.  What the father says is so profound, and has changed the way I view my relationship with God.  The father says, "my son, you are always with me and everything I have is yours."  (Luke 15:31).  I think I have always thought I was the prodigal, thinking I have to beg God to take me back after whatever my latest sin was... But God has been calling me out of that mindset.  

    I am the older brother in the story, finally realizing what I truly have available to me.  God is calling me out to a greater life with Him than I have ever had before.  A life without fear, or doubt, or the feeling that I have somehow been forgotten by God.  He is always with me, and everything He has is mine.  Let that radical statement really hit you and you will be wrecked for regular life.   

   The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in me.   

   Boom.  All excused shattered.   The only times I am discouraged are the moments I forget who I am in Christ and the power He has given me to live victoriously. I am a beloved child of Almighty God and I have the Holy Spirit living in me.  And if He could bring Christ back from the dead, I'm pretty sure He can handle anything I throw at Him.   

   During our week as translators with Recycled Lives we saw multiple people recieve physical healing, including a little girl be delivered from dengue fever.  Dave preached his first sermon and we taught about the Jesus to a group of  about 50 kids every day. Back at home we graduated our first class out of our literacy school and they all are reading the Bible for themselves and their children.  God is working in people's lives, and the joy of getting to be a part of it is AMAZING!   

    Today a woman came to my door to ask about enroling her daughter in our next school. It starts next Wednesday.  She asked if her daughter needed to bring any supplies and I told her that no, everything is provided and free.  She was so thankful and excited that her daughter would finally have the chance to learn to read... And I was so excited because I know that our class is more than just a literacy class... Before every class we have a Bible study and after we have coffee time where we have a chance to minister personally to each student.  This girl is about to hear about the God who loves her and wants to fill her with unspeakable joy!  There is nothing more exciting than that!   

    We are not orphans in this world.  We have a Father who loves us and wants to give us abundant life if we will only be brave enough to step out in faith and follow Him.  So off we go...

    "Do not be afraid little flock, for it pleases your Father to give you the kingdom.  Sell your possessions and give to the poor.  Provide for yourselves purses that will not wear out, a treasure in Heaven that will not be exhausted, where no theif comes near and no moth destroys.  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  -Luke 12:32-34.