Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Snapshot of 2013 so far...

Dave and his Dad out on the water

    This year began with my family here for Christmas, and then a visit from Dave`s parent`s.  We made the decision in early December that we will be leaving Homewood in August and going to YWAM in California to do a Discipleship Training School.  It was good to spend time with both our families over January and February, knowing that we might be very far away by next Christmas season. 
Nova and Crest

    Our ducks started laying eggs!  We were so excited to have been able to keep them alive (a hard job for city folk like us), and see all our farming actually result in yummy food to eat!  They both lay about an egg a day, and we use them in baking.  The ducks are very gentle and make great pets.  See, I told you we were country hicks!  

Dave`s Birthday Coffee Time!  :) 


    Z`s birthday was spent with family and he was given more cars and toys than he knows what to do with!  :)  Yay for grammas! 

Our beautiful island, photo taken during a hike. 

      Z was given his first "board game" for Christmas, and Daddy has been very happy to help him start a love for board games.  Mommy is not quite as sure... but at least he`s not old enough to play "Settlers"...   haha...

     Z`s been napping a lot these days, so I`ve re-started my hobby of creative writing.  I finished a story: 26,000 words!  Woot woot! 

   Other hobbies include house cleaning and my Rosetta Stone language course, Latin American Spanish. 

        Z enjoyed the cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Mom and Dad`s anniversary (also Mom`s birthday!)... unfortunatly, I was sick for my entire birthday month... so we will have no photos of that special day.  Thankfully, this cute photo of Z is better, wearing his "hockey bib" (shhh... don`t tell him the Lions don`t play hockey.) 
Spring is almost here!!!! 

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