Monday, September 29, 2014

Three Doors Down

David has decided to help lead the upcoming Discipleship training school in February.  He will be very busy with helping/ attending the classes with the students, meeting one-one with the male students and discipling them, as well as all the other responsibilities that go along with leading an DTS.  He hopes to go on the outreach with the students, which is currently planned to be in Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala.  He wants to lead this DTS in preparation for leading the DTS at lake Attitlan next summer.  

   There are plans in the works to begin having a DTS for indigenous Guatemalans, in the home of one of the pastors on the coast of lake Attitlan.  We have been praying a great deal about how The Lord would want to use us in this project, and Dave feels that helping with a DTS here at the Antigua base first will be good preparation for the lake.  I agree.   

   Since Dave will be so busy with the DTS we have decided to move to the base to be closer to him.  There are a lot of evening activities during the DTS and we think that if we live at the base then it will be easier for me to be involved since I can put Zane to bed and just go downstairs to join in the action.  So at the end of next month we will be moving three doors down and piling up our stuff into a bedroom at the base for the next six months.  We have finished our contract at our little green house, so this decision has combat the perfect time.  

   We feel that The Lord is calling us to something bigger at the lake, and so we are moving both because we think it's a good decision based on Dave's work next year, but also in faith that God is about to move us forward and open doors for new ministry at the lake.  Moving to the base will come with challenges, such as a lack of space and diminished privacy, but we think it's good decision and will give us the time to discover if we can handle living on-base or if we need to rent our own house when we go to the lake for the summer DTS.  

   Please be praying for us as we continue to seek God for wisdom about our future/the future of YWAM at the lake, and for the transition to living at the base and working with the DTS.  

     Plus...we get to come home for Christmas!!!  So we will be seeing many of you in just a couple months!  We plan to have an Open House to give everyone a chance to come and hang out with us and hear more about our ministry.  Details to follow!   Meanwhile, I better get our house packed up to make our big three-houses-away move.   


Dave's dad and brother came to visit us this week!  It has been so fun to pray tourist with them and spend lots of quality time together.  

Uncle dan taught Z how to make a city with chalk.  

Dad and Dan brought us some boxes of our stuff from Canada, including playmobil!  

Z helping dad make donuts. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

It matters to the one.

You may have heard the little story about the man who was walking along the beach and came upon thousands of starfish, stranded above the waterline.  He started chucking them back into the water to save their lives.  A stranger came up to him and laughed, saying, "There are too many to throw back, you are wasting your time."   To this the man replied, "Yes, but what I'm doing matters to the one I throw back."  
   I can't remember where I first heard that story... Probably in Sunday school... Of course... 

    Our literacy class has grown, to the point where I am almost nervous before each class if someone will bring their six kids we didn't know about, or another student will arrive and need to start from the beginning of the course.   For a couple weeks we had two classes, the advanced students in the kitchen and the beginners in the regular class area.  Finally everyone is caught up, and we now have seven students in our main class, and depending on the day, 4-8 kids in the kids class.  Plus our teacher, Eloisa, Dave and me, and our friend Ashley who has committed to help teach as well.  So twice a week we have about 17 extra people in our house.   

     We have also expanded in terms of the Bible study, and have started having the class begin half hour earlier on Wednesdays to allow more time to study and pray together.  Attendance to this portion has been less than expected, so please pray that our student's hearts will be opened to accept the gospel.   

    One of our students brings her two little boys every class.  They have a violent home situation, and live in complete poverty.  The older of the boys is about 4 and will only respect Dave.  Dave has been amazing with him and has found the time to help him learn to sit still and listen to the story and watch the Jesus movie.  The boy is doing so much better now than in the beginning.  I am so impressed with Dave's fathering abilities.

   The younger brother just cries.  His mom gives him to one of us and he cries until the class is done.   At first we tried to just have him be part of the kids class, but realized quickly that it was too distruptive.  This poor little boy shows up every class in dirty diaper and with so much dirt on his skin I don't think he is ever bathed at home.  So after talking about it with Eloisa, to learn the culturally acceptable way to deal with the situation, we decided that I would take care of this little guy every class.  So now when he arrives, I change him into a clearn diaper and clean clothes, wash his face and arms, and then wrap him in a fuzzy blanket and rock him to sleep in the hammock.  This sweet baby cries the whole time, until I start praying God's peace over him... Then he falls asleep and sleeps till the end of class.  I just hold him and pray over his future.   I think it is the only true mothering he receives all week, and it's certainly the only time he is clean and dry.

     Please pray for the mother of these two boys, and the Jesus would teach her how to love and care for her children, and for protection in the abusive home life they endure.   

      In all of this, I continue to be thankful to God for providing financially for this class, and for Ashley taking my place teaching so I can love on this little boy... I wish I could rescue him from his sadness permanent, along with every other suffering child in this country.  I wish I could start adopting today and have 15 kids to raise as my own.  But for now I'll start by rocking this beautiful baby to sleep twice a week.   

     It matters to the one.