Monday, April 1, 2013

Party in Parksville

Dave and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary.  I wasn`t trying to write a blog back then... but trust me, even if I had- I wouldn`t have posted any photos of that day.  Our anniversary fell on the starting day of our family`s TWO MONTH sickness.  It started out as the flu, then turned into a cold, then went back to the flu, then just for good measure turned into bronchitis...but finally... we kicked it!!!!  (as I write this I`m sniffling a bit... so maybe its back for round two?)

Dave and I wanted to go for a weekend in Victoria for our anniversary, but scrapped that plan over the two months of plague.  Eventually, Dave came up with a brilliant plan for spending a weekend in Parksville... which sounded lovely to me since I`m not really one for vacations... and we could save a bunch of money by staying in Parksville!  (To really understand me, you have to understand that my two favorite things are purging my house and saving money.  oh, and also eating pancakes.)

So we found a duck-sitter- thanks Tim- and we were off for a party in Parsville. 
 We live on a little island called Quadra... so to go anywhere we have to take a 15min ferry to Vancouver island.  Parksville is only about two hours away, but with the ferry it feels far and exotic.  haha... or not.  We had great weather though, so it was a great weekend to go. 
 Z and his blanky, ready to go explore the fantastic playground that was right outside our cabin.  In the summer it might be annoying to have the playground so close, but I`m pretty sure Z was the only kid at the campground... we always had the park to ourselves. 
 The inside of our two-bedroom cabin... no roughing it for us!  All this was the same price as a hotel room in Victoria, and we saved because we made all our own food!  So handy! 

The Canucks played twice during our stay, and we had cable!  Z loves hockey almost as much as his daddy does!  :)  Riverbend RV Resort in Parksville... I`m telling ya folks, its a great place for a family holiday.
An afternoon outing to Coombs to see the goats on the roof of the market... although when we were there the goats weren`t on the roof, they were just in this cool coop on the side of a hill.  Z liked the bunny more than he liked the goats. 

We had a great weekend, and it was great to reconnect as a family.  I love my boys! 

1 comment:

Kyle and Jesse said...

So fun! Hmmm maybe we'll look into this place for the future, looks lovely!