Thursday, August 15, 2013


    “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
-            Matthew 6:28-30  

       I don`t like my clothes.  Most of the time I feel uncomfortable and dowdy in what I`m wearing, and I`m never sure how other people seem to just put clothes on every morning and look amazing.  A factor of course could be that I don`t like spending money on clothes, so when I do go shopping it`s usually at Value Village and even then I usually end up buying yet another funny graphic tee from the boy`s department.  I`ve always said that if you can`t be the “pretty one”, at least you can be the “funny one”.  

     Anyway, enough back-story.  I have been wanting some new clothes (well, to be more accurate, I wanted an entirely new wardrobe)for YWAM.  I prayed that God would help me find some new clothes that would help me feel more confident.  I went shopping in Naniamo (our version of “big city shopping”, haha), went to Value Village, and continued wearing my old clothes.  I resolved that I should stop worrying about my clothes and just learn to be content.  

     Then, at dinner yesterday night, one of my friends came up to me and told me she had some hand-me-downs for me.  I was stoked.  Free is even cheaper than Value Village!  She came over, and brought me a milk crate of clothes.  Shirts, shorts, pants, and sweatshirts.  An entire wardrobe.  

     Every piece fit.  Every piece looked good.  Every piece was the greatest piece of clothing I have ever owned.  No joke.  It was my dream wardrobe, all packed into a milk crate.  I was/am beyond elated!  

     As I was trying the clothes on, she told me, “Yeah, I just felt the Lord telling me to give you some clothes.”  

     I was amazed and overtaken by love from my Father.  He knew I was discouraged by my clothing, He knew I could get over it... but instead of leaving me alone, He prompted a friend (who just happens to be the same size as me!) to bless me with a new wardrobe!  This is crazy love!  

     I woke up this morning and was excited to get dressed.  That never happens to me!  And as I pulled on my new flannel shirt, I felt like God Himself was hugging my shoulders, reminding me that He loves me so much He even takes care of my clothing needs... so I can surely trust Him for the important things in my life too. 

1 comment:

Dawn C said...

It is so true. Our loving Heavenly Father cares about ALL our needs, little and small. Thank you for giving Him the credit and not just 'good luck'.