There are plans in the works to begin having a DTS for indigenous Guatemalans, in the home of one of the pastors on the coast of lake Attitlan. We have been praying a great deal about how The Lord would want to use us in this project, and Dave feels that helping with a DTS here at the Antigua base first will be good preparation for the lake. I agree.
Since Dave will be so busy with the DTS we have decided to move to the base to be closer to him. There are a lot of evening activities during the DTS and we think that if we live at the base then it will be easier for me to be involved since I can put Zane to bed and just go downstairs to join in the action. So at the end of next month we will be moving three doors down and piling up our stuff into a bedroom at the base for the next six months. We have finished our contract at our little green house, so this decision has combat the perfect time.
We feel that The Lord is calling us to something bigger at the lake, and so we are moving both because we think it's a good decision based on Dave's work next year, but also in faith that God is about to move us forward and open doors for new ministry at the lake. Moving to the base will come with challenges, such as a lack of space and diminished privacy, but we think it's good decision and will give us the time to discover if we can handle living on-base or if we need to rent our own house when we go to the lake for the summer DTS.
Please be praying for us as we continue to seek God for wisdom about our future/the future of YWAM at the lake, and for the transition to living at the base and working with the DTS.
Plus...we get to come home for Christmas!!! So we will be seeing many of you in just a couple months! We plan to have an Open House to give everyone a chance to come and hang out with us and hear more about our ministry. Details to follow! Meanwhile, I better get our house packed up to make our big three-houses-away move.

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