Monday, May 19, 2014

The One-Room School

Z in the fully-furnished classroom!
Eloisa teaching the vowels. 
Dave reading the creation story to the kids.
   The one-room school is officially open for classes!  This past Wednesday we had our first literacy class with 5 students (plus 3 kids for the kids' club).  Three ladies came, and two of them brought their nephews to the class.  Both young boys seemed a little nervous about being in the class, and although neither of them attend public school anymore, they both seem very bright and will flourish with more teacher attention.  The ladies all come from difficult situations, some are Christians some are not, but through this class we have a wide open door to share with them the abundant life that is available to them through faith in Jesus.  These are women who have known little joy or peace in their lives (the boys too), and this class is a chance to learn a valuable skill, free of charge, while also being encouraged by Bible teaching too. 

    For our first morning I gave the welcome, and shared a little about how much Christ loves them, then Dave and I took the kids out and had a fun time teaching them about Creation and the love of God for them.  We played games on the back lawn, ate pan-dulce (sweet bread) and drank juice, coloured pictures, read a story, and had a great time.  All the while I could see Eloisa working with the students, praying over them, and teaching them the vowels.  She is such a natural teacher, and her love for Christ comes through clearly in everything she does.  The women really responded to her, and I was able to chat with them as well after the class while we shared coffee and more pan dulce. 

     The next day, while Eloisa was over for Spanish class, she told me that one of the women told her later that she thinks she's wont be able to learn to read, but after she heard us talking about how God wants to help her, she knew that she could continue.  It's so exciting!

     I know these students will be able to read soon under Eloisa's expert teaching, and beyond that I pray that God will transform their hearts through the Bible both during class, and once they are able to read it for themselves.  Please pray for our students, children, and teacher. 

     "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  -Phillipians 3:14  

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