Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Leaving the View.

   We had an impromptu spaghetti dinner with some friends last night.  We were outside trying to make our backyard look a little less like a barnyard, and they walked over and to say hi.  We got chatting, and then realized it was just about dinner time so we invited them in.  I love that sort of thing, especially because these are good friends who don`t care that we served applesauce as a side dish. 

  (On a side note, the reason our yard looks like a barnyard is because used to let our ducks out to forage in the yard, but we recently sold the ducks and bought chickens who stay in the coop.  I like to be barefoot all summer, and ducks and bare feet do not make a good combo.  So far the chickens have been a good decision, although I gotta admit I miss my sweet Nova who I could carry around and pet like she was a dog... but these ugly-faced chickens will grow on me I guess.)

   Anyway, during dinner with our friends they posed the question, "Aren`t you going to miss living here in this beautiful place."  The question threw me a little, and I think I just made a joke or a sarcastic comment or something like that... but this morning I started thinking about it again as I was hanging laundry on the front porch.  Z was playing cars (as always) on the other end of the porch, the sun shone down upon us, and the sparkly blue ocean peeked around the side of the lodge cheerfully to remind me of just how blessed I am to live in British Columbia.  It was such a peaceful moment, with so much beauty all around me, and I thought about that question.  Will I miss this?  Where will I be living next time I have my own clothesline and porch?  Will I even have a porch?  Will I be anywhere near the ocean?  And oh, please Lord, let it be sunny there! 

    We are going into this with no plans beyond our DTS.  We have an idea of where we might like to go, and have been in contact with a base in Central America, but in general, we are waiting for God to lead us.  We are working through a Rosetta Stone Language course for Spanish, since we really hope to end up in Central or South America (or Spain would be good too), but Thailand keeps coming to mind too, so only God really knows where we`ll be in a year... two years... there is a part of me that wants to organize it, wants to plan, make endless lists... but really, it doesn`t matter where we end up. 

     God has set a fire in our hearts to share His love with the lost children of the world.  I want to be part of a team that passionately and boldly shares the gospel with children and their families.  I want to become a parent of orphans, the friend of widows, and defender of the defenceless.  I want to stand on my next porch and hang up the clothing of children who came from the streets and whom I must pray to God every day for the endurance and wisdom to love them through their difficulties.  I want to join a team of people who feel the same passion and drive to serve the Lord by rescuing orphans.  It doesn`t matter where, but I know that God has called us to live a radical and obedient life of following Him.  

    Right now He has called us to California for the DTS.  After that He can call us where He wants.  Guatemala.  Thailand.  Kenya.  Russia.  Back to Canada... I am willing to go.  Of course I have my preferences.  Somewhere warm, tropical, and near the ocean would be ideal obviously.  Somewhere where the second I get off the plane they will hand me a baby to raise and a piece of land to homestead on.  It would be easier if they spoke Spanish too, since I`ve got a head-start on that language.  But we are ready and we are willing.

     So am I going to miss living here?  Yeah, I probably will once in a while... but am I sorry we`re moving?  No.  Not even for a second.  We are following the call the Lord has laid on our hearts, and the passion He has put in our souls.  I want to serve the Lord, regardless of where He calls me. 

      “Continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”  - Colossians 2:6,7


Mrs. Johnson said...

Love it! I hear your heart and it echoes my own!

Shawn said...

Yes Melissa, I feel that we are kindred spirits now. :) I hope our paths cross one day and we can share all that God has done and will do in our lives.

Jenny said...

Enjoying your blog :) YOu're a natural born writer! Totally feel you on the sunshine thing... its like I'm a brand new person each and every spring after the long winter funk :p