We are all waiting for something.
For me, it’s the wait for a baby. We have waited for years, and as much as we
have healed from the original trauma of being diagnosed as infertile, it still
hurts. The longing doesn’t go away, and
the grief stays with me. Some, with only
the best intentions to try to end my pain, have suggested that I stop waiting,
stop wanting, stop praying for healing.
This week I waited for another woman’s baby. As she battled through each of her difficult
contractions and the hours began to pile up, the baby stayed hidden within. Her husband and I supported her as she fought
and breathed. The midwife assured her
that progress was happening, but it was not until the moment of birth that we
had the proof. It would have been easy
to get discouraged, but instead my friend repeated, “I can do this. I will see my baby today.”
Watching her labour I rediscovered my own courage to fight
for my children. Though they are hidden
from me, they are no less real. I am
battling for them in the spiritual realm.
My prayers are not unanswered.
Every one is heard and remembered.
My Heavenly Father holds my hands and looks lovingly into my face as I
labour to bring them home. He has not
forgotten me.
Maybe you are like me, waiting for something that seems to
be taking too long to come. You’re weary
from the battle. You feel like you have
prayed the same prayer over and over—without visible results. The baby seems stuck and you are worried that
you will be in labour forever.
Take courage, my friend.
Your prayers are doing in the spiritual realm what we may only be able
to see in the triumphant moment of birth.
He’s in the waiting.