Dave and I began meeting in our living room every evening to pray. Sometimes we listened to music and sang, sometimes we drew pictures or waited for God's voice in silence, but more than anything, we just talked to God. We prayed for the problems around the world, our friends and family, and asked God what He wanted us to do. Then, one night, He spoke.
His voice was not audible in that moment, but it was intensely clear. "You are already engaged in the ministry I have called you to do. I want you to start a House of Prayer".
In the weeks since we received this word from the Lord, we have begun to clarify how to start this work. We believe that the House will be built in one of the towns where we have been working (we live in one of a string of four towns, each with a unique flavour and set of needs, but they are close enough that we can work in all four from whichever one we build the House in), and we believe that God will call a team of dedicated prayer warriors to come and join us in the ministry. The foundation is prayer, and evangelism, which may demonstrate itself in many ways, including visiting homes to pray for the sick, and hosting prayer services for the community. Our hope is that one day we will have a team large enough that we can have 24/7 prayer in the House.
We desire to be filled with the Spirit of God that we might pray with power and authority. We desire to see nations transformed, the gospel carried to those who have not heard, the sick to be healed, and for those with no hope to find it through relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that God will accomplish all these things through our dedicated pursuit of His face.
The next thing we asked the Lord for was a name for the House... He told us:
Paz Abundante
which means... abundant peace