This past week here at Camp was staff retreat. We of course, raced to Woodsman as quick as we could! Some of our good friends, who also happen to be staff at Camp as well, were at Woodsman as well, so it was almost like a mini-family camp. We had so much fun!
Jumping off the "Sandy Beach Cliffs"... I`m the one in yellow... haha... |
Julie and I after our epic, Sandy Beach- Woodsman swim (2km, approx?) |
Z and I enjoying the beautiful water |
Everyone has been put back to work now, and family camp is in full-swing! We have been enjoying some great music and sermons during chapel, fun meeting other families at the park, and of course, eating lots of Dave`s delicious food. Tonight he is preparing the popular "fancy dinner", where the kids eat mac n`cheese (still delightful, since Dave makes it from scratch!), and then go out with babysitters so the parents can have a delicious three-course fancy dinner in peace and quiet. Before staff retreat last week we had Single Moms Camp, which ended with a five-course seafood fancy dinner. That camp was smaller than this one, so Dave even arranged for it to be plated, and did hand-made pasta. Seriously, these are the foods he cooked for me when we were dating, and I married him for them! haha... but for real, he is a fabulous chef!
Dave`s Mom was staying with us and volunteering in the kitchen for the past six weeks, and she left on Friday. We had just enough time to change the sheets before Dave`s sister arrived yesterday and will be with us for the week, along with his grandma, and Aunt and Uncle who arrive tomorrow. Never a dull moment this summer! With less than three weeks before we move, I have already packed basically everything up... I can`t even make tea for my guests! I`m not feeling like a very good hostess, but I`m sure they`ll all understand.
We sold the last of our stuff this past week. Everything that is left in our house will be given away to friends or the thrift store right before we leave. We`re eating out of Tupperware, we have no table, and I have tape over doors and cupboards so that we remember what areas have been emptied and cleaned already. The emptiness of our house is a testament to the Lord`s faithfulness. I prayed that we would be able to sell our things, and bit by bit, it has all gone. Even things I thought might be hard to get rid of, like our piano, I prayed, and two days later, it was sold... and for more than the asking price!
God has been answering even the smallest prayers; for example we went to Value Village the other day to drop off some stuff, and I prayed on the way there that I would be able to find a pair of jeans that actually fits and a modest dress that I could wear during the DTS... no problem, I found both. It blew my mind... I have been hunting for a dress like this for months, but apparently I forgot to pray on other shopping trips. We wanted to sell our mattress, which was almost brand new, but I figured that we`d probably end up giving it away since nobody wants to buy a used mattress from a stranger... turns out God was way ahead of us and used our mattress to save some friend`s of ours some money on a great bed- and we got a fair price for it! I am so excited watching God sell our stuff, provide for our financial needs, and keep our car running
just well enough that I think we`ll be able to take it to California.
In all of these provisions, I hear what God is saying to me... and it is a very personal and beautiful message. He is not deaf to my other prayer. The prayer I pray every day. Just as He has heard my prayers for simple things like jeans, or to sell my piano, or to keep my car on the road... he has heard my prayer for a baby. He has not answered that prayer yet, but I can feel His comforting arms around me, His whisper in my heart saying, "See how I have cared for you in all of these little things... now wait for me to care for your greatest desire too."
You whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth. Even to your old age and your gray hairs, I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you. I will sustain you and I will rescue you." -Isaiah 46:3-5